Green Transfo manufacturing locations in different countries are specialized to specific product ranges to ensure most efficient supply chain process and can deliver 15 000 Distribution Transformers, 1000 Dry Type Transformers, 600 Small Power Transformers and 300 Medium Power Transformers per annum worldwide. Additional capacity is available at our sister company Transfix, subsidiary of Cahors Holding (owner of Green Transfo) and we can deliver more transformers thank to 3 Transfix manufacturing facilities located in Europe & Asia.

Mefta Green Transfo Energy Poland
The transformer factory in Mikołów is one of the leading manufacturers of medium-voltage transformers in Poland. The factory offers a wide range of products for the power sector, industry and individual customers.
Total Area (m2) : 44 000
Production Area (m2) : 12 000
Production Capacity (MVA): 5 000
Maximum Capability: Up to 7MVA & 36kV (Oil-immersed) and 6MVA & 36kV (Dry Type)
Expertise: Oil-immersed and dry type transformers with special solutions for high-end customers
Official Name: Mefta Green Transfo Energy Poland sp. z o.o.
Adress: ul. Żwirki i Wigury 52, 43-190 Mikołów, POLAND

Green Transfo Energy Turkey
Our production facility which is one of the newest and most modern production facilities in Europe, located in Taysad Organized Industrial Zone with an export rate of 98% and worldwide installed base in complex projects.
Total Area (m2) : 70 000
Production Area (m2) : 17 000
Production Capacity (MVA): 10 000
Maximum Capability: Up to 120MVA & 170kV
Expertise: Oil-immersed transformers with special solutions for high-end customers
Official Name: Green Transfo Energy Turkey Enerji Endustrisi Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Adress: TOSB Otomotiv (OSB) Mah. 1.Cad. No:6/A Cayirova, Kocaeli, TURKEY